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FAUST (go down with all the re$t)


How much is a soul worth? Based on Goethe's most celebrated work, ERA’s experimental musical, FAUST (go down with all the re$t), is a post-modern, rock-opera-adaptation in which Heaven is the bank and everyone prays to the Almighty Dollar.  


FAUST (go down with all the re$t) is a full-length theatrical production created by ERA’s ensemble of theatre artists with text from Goethe’s Faust, Mikhail Bulgakov’s The Master and Margarita, and contemporary television game shows. The script was created by the ensemble. The music was created by Kid Scientist.


Join us for this capitali$t tragedy with music, dancing, and drinking!


Performing Artists

Will Bonfiglio..................................Mephistopheles 

Miranda Jagels Félix......................Dineras 

Grace Langford..............................God & Margaret’s Mother

Audrey Morris.................................Keyboard & Accordion

Alicen Moser...................................Margaret

Dustin Sholtes................................Percussion

Jacob Stern....................................Bass & Clarinet

Gabe Taylor....................................Wagner 

Joe Taylor.......................................Faust

Erica Withrow.................................Dark Pearl the Magnificent

Production Team

Jimmy Bernatowicz: Rehearsal Stage Manager & Technical Director

Melissa Blair: Stage Manager

Will Bonfiglio: Producer

Lucy Cashion: Co-Director & Producer

Katrin Hackenberg: Graphic Designer

Miranda Jagels Félix: Assistant Stage Manager

Meredith LaBounty: Costume Designer

Ben Lewis: Lighting & Video Designer

Gabe Taylor: Co-Director

Joe Taylor: Composer & Music Director

Production History

2018 August 8-18: Foam, Cherokee Street - St. Louis 

2018 June 19-20: The Grandel's Patio on the Plaza, Grand Center Theatre Crawl

Press & Recognition

Michelle Kenyon, "ERA’s Quirky Take on 'Faust' is a Fascinating Experiment" in Snoop's Theatre Thoughts

Mark Bretz, "'FAUSTival' Kicks Off with ERA's 'Faust (go down with all the re$t)" in Ladue News

Andrea Torrence in St. Louis Theatre Snob

Calvin Wilson, "Five theater companies use FAUSTival to explore culturally relevant themes" in St. Louis Post-Dispatch

"Deals with the Devil Run Amok at FAUSTival" on HEC Media

Gerry Kowarsky and Bob Wilcox on Two on the Aisle

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Equally Represented Arts is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization. 

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