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"Holy bejesus, there was a company called ERA...With a live soundtrack from a keyboard and guitar, they were dangerously good. It was the youngest production I saw (and that includes a one act performed by high schoolers), the hippest (without being disingenuously repulsive), and the only one I liked enough to see twice."
Chris Colgin, "Hey, St. Louis: You Are Missing Some Really Good Theater" in Riverfront Times

"Best Theatre"
Richard Green, "Best Of St. Louis Theater Roundup 2016" in ALIVE Magazine

"ERA is also an excellent option for the unexpected. Artistic director Lucy Cashion favors the experimental and the intellectual, typically with bracing results." Paul Friswold, "Here's What the New York Times Missed in Its 36 Hours in St. Louis" in Riverfront Times

"Nancy Bell, who also teaches in SLU’s theatre program and whose play Remember Me Cashion directed in 2016 at Shakespeare Festival St. Louis, calls Cashion 'fearless and audacious and still somehow vulnerable and open—she has an iron back and a velvet heart. I have never seen a director who empowers actors and designers more.'"

"6 Theatre Workers You Should Know" in American Theatre

"She demonstrated that postmodern theater not only can find a place among theater artists here, it can find an appreciative audience...Cashion has broken down barriers that separate companies, bringing her distinctive approach to Shakespeare Festival St. Louis and the venerable West End Players' Guild (the oldest company in town)."
Judith Newmark, "2017 Rising Stars: Director Lucy Cashion favors a nontraditional approach to the classics
" in St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Reviews for individual productions can be found on each production's page.

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Equally Represented Arts is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization. 

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